Undergraduate Minor in Intelligence Studies

What is intelligence studies?

For purposes of national security or competitive intelligence, practitioners in intelligence studies work with information that may not be authoritative or reliable, that may be deceptive, or may lack context.

By focusing on the critical thinking skills of evaluation, you’ll learn to collect and critique the perspectives, biases, and contexts of sources before utilizing them for analysis. You’ll utilize standard analytical tools to discern the cognitive biases of intelligence collectors, other analysts, decision makers, and even yourself in circumstances when time is short and information is lacking.

Because collecting information is not a value-free activity, you’ll also learn to recognize the legal and ethical issues surrounding surveillance, moles, terrorists, national security, and data collection for more benign purposes such as marketing, social science, and humanities research.

Possible careers

Since 9/11, the fields of intelligence and security have exploded. With a minor in intelligence studies, you can expect job opportunities with the federal government, the military, or with private government contractors.

Combined with majors such as computer science, informatics, or language and culture studies—particularly those offered by the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies—you would also be well-suited for careers within the intelligence community or with contractors for the intelligence community, or within the private industry in competitive intelligence, where you'd work to protect corporations against corporate and industrial espionage.

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